Why join your Co-propriété Forum?


You should be aware that each of the seven Residences within Arc1950 are separate legal entities, and while we love to work at a village level, sometimes there are things that are specific to your building alone.

The OA has recently introduced a safe space for all members of a co-propriete within Arc 1950 to talk and discuss those things.

It might be the roofs, or the painting, or the fees, or the swimming pool or… whatever you want.  We may include general information about syndics, syndicaux, and updates on changes to the law – but it is an evolving idea, and will be driven by you and your participation.

Other than site admin, these discussions are not visible to anyone other than members of your co-propriete. This includes not being seen by the public, guests and your Syndic.

However: anyone who IS in your Co-prop, be they owners, commercants or an “owner of walls” – which in some residences includes the ASL and PnV – has the right to join. We feel that giving access to a wider community gives rise to better informed decision making.

We do not harvest your details for marketing and selling. We do not share your data or your posts with anyone (Please see our privacy notice for details on how we keep your private data safe).

We generally find that with this type of forum little or no moderation is required – although we will ask one member of each to take responsibility ‘just in case’.

We must stress that this is not an official communications channel from your syndical or syndic.  It is also not just for OA members – but a facility we are offering to all the stakeholders in the village.

If you are full member of the OA, you have been automatically registered for your co-propriété space – and if you belong to two or more residences (lucky you!) you will have been registered for all. Login to the main site with your usual credentials, and select “Your Residence:  forums” to go to the launch page.


If you are a commerçant or shop owner, please fill out a registration form here and we will get back to you as soon as you are set up.

And if you are an Owner who doesn’t know if they want to join the OA – have a look here and see what’s on offer. But you are also welcome to just join the Residence forum: please complete the registration form here.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the officers of the OA – President@arc1950owners.com or webmaster@arc1950owners.com

Jim Wilks

Arc 1950 Owners’ Association

252 Refuge du Montagnard